Wiese, W. (2018). Experienced Wholeness. Integrating Insights from Gestalt Theory, Cognitive Neuroscience, and Predictive Processing. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Rezension: Downey, A. (2020). Experienced wholeness: Integrating insights from gestalt theory, cognitive neuroscience, and predictive processing. Philosophical Psychology. DOI: 10.1080/09515089.2020.1719398
Fink, S. B., Wiese, W. & Windt, J. M. (Hrsg.) (2018). Research Topic “Philosophical and Ethical Aspects of a Science of Consciousness and the Self”, Frontiers in Psychology. (zugleich Festschrift für Thomas Metzinger, OPEN ACCESS)
Metzinger, T. & Wiese, W. (Hrsg.) (2017). Philosophy and Predictive Processing. Frankfurt am Main: MIND Group. (Open-Access-Veröffentlichung unter
Wiese, W. (2021) Von der KI-Ethik zur Bewusstseinsethik: Ethische Aspekte der Computational Psychiatry. Psychiatrische Praxis 48(Suppl. 1), S1–S5. DOI: 1055/a-1369-2824
Wiese, W., & Friston, K.J. (2021). Examining the continuity between life and mind: Is there a continuity between autopoietic intentionality and representationality? Philosophies 6(1), 18. DOI: 3390/philosophies6010018 (OPEN ACCESS)
Wiese, W. (2020) The science of consciousness does not need another theory, it needs a minimal unifying model. Neuroscience of Consciousness. DOI: 10.1093/nc/niaa013 (OPEN ACCESS)
Friston, K.J., Wiese, W., & Hobson, J.A. (2020) Sentience and the origins of consciousness: From Cartesian duality to Markovian monism. Entropy 22(5), 516. DOI: 10.3390/e22050516 (OPEN ACCESS)
Wiese, W. (2020). Breaking the Self. Radical disruptions of self-consciousness and impossible conscious experiences. Philosophy and the Mind Sciences 1(I), 10. (OPEN ACCESS)
Wiese, W. & Metzinger, T. (2019). Androids dream of virtual sheep. In T. Shanahan & P. Smart (Eds.), Blade Runner 2049. Routledge, S. 149-164.
Wiese, W. (2019). Explaining the Enduring Intuition of Substantiality. The Phenomenal Self as an Abstract ‘Salience Object’. Journal of Consciousness Studies 26(3-4), 64-87.
Wiese, W. (2018). Toward a mature science of consciousness. Frontiers in Psychology 9, 693. DOI: 3389/fpsyg.2018.00693 (OPEN ACCESS)
Wiese, W. (2018). Ethics of belief: On some conceptual and empirical obstacles to teaching the ability for positive learning. In O. Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, G. Wittum, & A. Dengel (Hrsg.), Positive Learning in the Age of Information (PLATO) - A blessing or a curse? Wiesbaden: Springer, S. 295-314.
Wiese, W. (2017). Predictive processing and the phenomenology of time consciousness. A hierarchical extension of Rick Grush's trajectory estimation model. In T. Metzinger & W. Wiese (Hrsg.). Philosophy and Predictive Processing: 26. Frankfurt am Main: MIND Group. DOI: 10.15502/9783958573277 (OPEN ACCESS)
Wiese, W. & Metzinger T. (2017). Vanilla PP for philosophers: A primer on predictive processing.
In T. Metzinger & W. Wiese (Hrsg.). Philosophy and Predictive Processing: 1. Frankfurt am Main: MIND Group. DOI: 10.15502/9783958573024 (OPEN ACCESS)
Wiese, W. (2017). Action is enabled by systematic misrepresentations. Erkenntnis 82(6), 1233-1252. DOI: 10.1007/s10670-016-9867-x
Wiese, W. (2017). What are the contents of representations in predictive processing? Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 16(4), 715-736. DOI: 10.1007/s11097-016-9472-0
Auch in: Metzinger, T., & Windt, J.M. (Hrsg.) (2016). Open MIND, Vol. 2. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, S. 1475-1493.
Wiese, W. (2014). Jakob Hohwy: The Predictive Mind. Minds and Machines 24(2), 233-237. DOI: 10.1007/s11023-014-9338-6
Wiese, W., und Metzinger, T. (2012). Desiderata for a mereotopological theory of consciousness: First steps towards a formal model for the unity of consciousness. In S. Edelman, T. Fekete und N. Zach (Hrsg.), Being in Time. Dynamical models of phenomenal experience. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, S. 185-209.
- Doktorarbeit: Phenomenal Holism. Foundations of an Interdisciplinary Framework for the Problem of Phenomenal Unity. Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, FB 05 Philosophie und Philologie, Philosophisches Seminar, 2015.Referent: Prof. Dr. Thomas Metzinger (Mainz). Korreferent: Prof. Dr. Anil Seth (Sussex).
- Diplomarbeit: Self-Attractive Random Polymers. Simulations Near the Critical Point With PERM. Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, FB 08 Physik, Mathematik und Informatik, Institut für Mathematik, 2012. Betreuer: Prof. Dr. Achim Klenke.
- Magisterarbeit: Giulio Tononi's Integrated Information Theory of Consciousness. Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, FB 05 Philosophie und Philologie, Philosophisches Seminar, 2010. Betreuer: Prof. Dr. Thomas Metzinger.
Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen
- Vortrag, T.B.A., Diskussionsabend „KI in der Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie“, Institut für Ethik, Geschichte und Theorie der Medizin an der LMU München, Juli 2021.
- Vortrag, “The neural correlates of consciousness under the free energy principle: From computational correlates to computational explanation.” The Foundations of the Mind Guild, Northwestern University, 6. Mai 2021 (Online)
- Vortrag, “Neural correlates, computational correlates, and the prospects of computational explanations of consciousness.” Mathematical Consciousness Science Online Seminar, Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy, 25. Februar 2021. (Online)
- Vortrag, “The neural correlates of consciousness under the free energy principle: From computational correlates to computational explanation.” Active Inference Journal Club, 16. Februar 2021. (Online)
- Vortrag, "Integration and unification in the science of consciousness”, Consciousness Club Tokyo, Araya Inc., Tokyo, 29. Januar 2021. (Online)
- Vortrag, “Ethics of AI in Psychiatry”, Forschungskolloquium am Lehrstuhl für Philosophie der Kognition, TU Berlin, 26. Januar 2021. (Online)
- Vortrag, "Von Prädiktiven Modellen des Geistes zu Selbstmodellierung und Computational Psychiatry". Sommerschule Reichenau, 18. September 2020.
- Vortrag, “The neural correlates of consciousness under the free energy principle.” Theoretical Neurobiology Group, Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging, London, 14. Juli 2020. (Online)
- Vortrag, “The role of computation in Shea‘s theory of explanation in cognitive science.” Representation in Cognitive Science, Bochum, 4. Februar 2020.
- Vortrag (with Danaja Rutar), “Taking Representational Gradation Seriously.” Mental Representations in a Mechanical World, Bochum, 28. November 2019.
- Vortrag, “Making Sense of Ur-Intentionality.” Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies. 4th Avant Conference, Porto, 24. Oktober 2019.
- Vortrag, “Is conscious perception a virtual reality generated by our brains?” Workshop at the Department of Cognitive Science at Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń, 29. Mai 2019.
- Vortrag, “From Herbart’s Mechanics of the Mind to Bayesian Mechanics”. Theoretical Neurobiology Group, Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging, London, 25. Februar 2019.
- Vortrag, “Predictive Processing and Virtualist Perception”. Workshop “Predictive Processing, Consciousness, and Self”, Bochum, Januar 2019.
- Vortrag, “Perception as Augmented Reality.” Workshop “Philosophy of Predictive Processing, Self and Representations”, Lissabon, December 2018.
- Vortrag, “Perception as Augmented Reality.” Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, Nijmegen, Oktober 2018.
- Vortrag, “Discovering asymmetries in the structure of experience through radical disruptions of self-consciousness.” Workshop "Selfless Minds", Frankfurt am Main, Oktober 2018.
- Vortrag, "Modeling valences of conscious experiences with lexicographic vectors." GAP 10, Köln, September 2018.
- Vortrag, "Computing the valence of pleasure and pain." Kogwis, Darmstadt, September 2018.
- Vier Vorträge, "Philosophy of Mind." Interdisziplinäres Kolleg, Günne, März 2018.
- Vortrag, "Probabilistic Representations and Consciousness." Theoretical Neurobiology Group, Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging, London, Februar 2018.
- Vortrag, "Philosophie der KI-Forschung: Vom Turing-Test zur Superintelligenz." (Vortrag für Schülerinnen und Schüler) Rabanus-Maurus-Gymnasium, Mainz, Februar 2018.
- Vortrag, "Towards a paradigmatic science of consciousness? On the prospects of integrating multidisciplinary consciousness research." Forschungskolloquium Philosophy and Cognitive Science, Bochum, Januar 2018.
- Vortrag, "Ergebnisse aus der Forschung zum Zeiterleben", Kulturwerkstatt Betakontext, Berlin, November 2017.
- Vortrag, "Making it personal: What subpersonal PP stories can tell us about consciousness." Workshop "Expecting Ourselves: Prediction, Action, and the Embodied Mind", Edinburgh, November 2017.
- Vortrag, "Explaining substantiality: The phenomenal self as an abstract salience object." Workshop "Designed Mind", Edinburgh, November 2017.
- Vortrag, "Herbartian ideas in predictive processing and their relevance to the problem of self-consciousness." Third International Conference on Philosophy of Mind, Braga, Oktober 2017.
- Vortrag, "Morphological Computation and Consciousness." Working Group "Morphological Computation", Santa Fe, September 2017.
- Vortrag, "Herbartian ideas in predictive processing and their relevance to the problem of self-consciousness." Symposium "Philosophy and Predictive Processing" im Rahmen der ECAP9, München, August 2017.
- Vortrag, "What's it worth? Towards a formal model of the subjective value of conscious experiences." ECAP9, München, August 2017.
- Vortrag, "On some conceptual and empirical obstacles to teaching the ability for positive learning." PLATO Summer Conference, Mainz, Juni 2017.
- Vortrag, "PEM and voluntary attention." Workshop "Predictive Coding and the Mind", Bochum, März 2017.
- Vortrag, "Must artificial consciousness be embodied?" Workshop "On Conscious Artificial Systems", Tübingen, Dezember 2016.
- Vortrag, "Niemand war oder hatte jemals ein Ich. Die Selbstmodelltheorie von Thomas Metzinger", Symposium "Wer bin ich wirklich?", Stuttgart, November 2016.
- Vortrag, "Bradleys Regress und die Einheit des Bewusstseins", Institutskolloquium des Philosophischen Seminars, Mainz, November 2016.
- Vortrag, "What are the contents of representations in predictive processing?", KogWis2016, Bremen, September 2016.
- Vortrag, "Experiencing temporal continua: how is it possible?", CEP2016, Bristol, September 2016.
- Tutorium, "Predictive Processing and Consciousness", ASSC20, Buenos Aires, Juni 2016.
- Vortrag, "How can experienced temporal continua be accounted for in terms of finite neural states?", ASSC20, Buenos Aires, Juni 2016.
- Vortrag, "Wie wirklich bin Ich?", Veranstaltungsreihe "Was ist wirklich?", Regensburg, Mai 2016.
- Vortrag, "Predictive Processing and the Phenomenology of Time Consciousness." MIND23, Frankfurt a.M., Mai 2016.
- Vortrag, "A hierarchical extension of Rick Grush's trajectory estimation model." Rudolf-Carnap-Lectures 2016, Bochum, März 2016.
- Vortrag, “Do atomic phenomenal moments exist?", BaCI, Utrecht, September 2015.
- Poster, “Why the single state conception does not solve the problem of phenomenal unity." ASSC19, Paris, Juli 2015.
- Poster, “Sensorimotor skills require homological representations." Workshop The Sensorimotor Theory of Perception and Consciousness: Developments and Open Questions, Paris, Juli 2015.
- Vortrag, “The regularity account of phenomenal unity.” MIND22, Frankfurt a.M. April 2015.
- Poster, “How far does the predicted present extend into the future?” Workshop Cognitive Penetration and Predictive Coding, Bochum, März 2015.
- Vortrag, “Predictive Processing and phenomenal unity: Towards a formal definition” MIND21intensive, Frankfurt a.M. November 2014.
- Vortrag, “Cartesian agents duel with demons -- Embodied agents learn SaMBA (Systematic use of Misrepresentations to the Benefit of the Agent).” Spindel 2014, Memphis. Oktober 2014.
- Poster (zusammen mit Iuliia Pliushch), “Towards a Predictive Processing account of mental agency.” KogWis14, Tübingen. Oktober 2014.
- Vortrag, “How to make progress on the problem of phenomenal unity.” Workshop Unity of Consciousness: Phenomenological and Cognitive Aspects, St. Petersburg. August 2014.
- Poster, “A predictive processing account of phenomenal unity.” IK2014, Günne. März 2014.
- Vortrag, “A predictive processing account of phenomenal unity.” MIND20, Frankfurt a.M. März 2014.
- Vortrag, “Varieties of misrepresentation worth wanting.” Rudolf-Carnap-Lectures 2014, Bochum. März 2014.
- Vortrag, “The Predicted Present.” Workshop The Predictive Mind, Mainz. Dezember 2013.
- Vortrag, “Phenomenal Holism.” Workshop Brain – Body – Environment: Recent Approaches to Consciousness and Cognition, Mainz. November 2013.
- Poster, “Meditation improves precision expectations.” ASSC17, San Diego. Juli 2013.
- Vortrag, “Meditation, Attention, and Predictive Coding.” MIND19, Zürich. März 2013.
- Poster, “What can Friston's free-energy principle tell us about embodied cognition?” Workshop Conceptual and Mathematical Foundations of Embodied Intelligence, Leipzig. Februar/März 2013.
- Vortrag, “Phenomenal Time.” MIND18intensive, Mainz. Oktober 2012.
- Poster, “Towards a Mereotopological Framework for the Unity of Consciousness.” KogWis12, Bamberg. Oktober 2012.
- Vortrag, “A Mereotopological Theory for the Unity of Consciousness.” KogWis-Doktorandenkolloquium, Bamberg. September 2012.
- Vortrag, “Mereotopology and Consciousness.” MIND17intensive, Mainz. September 2012.
- Poster, “Towards a Self-Representational Account of the Diachronic Unity of Consciousness.” ASSC16, Brighton. Juli 2012.
- Vortrag, “Representational Fusion.” MIND16, Frankfurt a.M. Juni 2012.
- Vortrag, “The whole parts of consciousness.” MIND15, Frankfurt a.M. Oktober 2011.
- Vortrag, “The integrated information theory and the two problems of consciousness.” MIND13, Frankfurt a.M. Oktober 2010.
- Vortrag, “A comment on Giulio Tononi’s Integrated Information Theory of Consciousness.” MIND12, Zürich. März 2010.
- Vortrag, “An Analysis of Rational Analysis.” MIND11, Berlin. Mai 2009.
- Vortrag, “Perceptual Knowledge and Spatial Perception. A comment on Quassim Cassam’s The Possibility of Knowledge.” 4. Mainz-Frankfurt Kolloquium, Frankfurt a.M. Januar 2008.