Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
E-mail: mwalscho[at]uni-mainz.de
Philosophicum, Raum 00-922
Tel: +49 (0) 6131 39 27010
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Areas of Specialization
History of Modern Philosophy
Areas of Competence
Continental Philosophy (especially Critical Theory)
Philosophy of Law
Select Publications
- Kant’s Critique of Practical Reason: Background Source Materials. Cambridge University Press. Edited and Translated by Michael Walschots. (forthcoming early 2024)
- Christian Wolff’s ‘German Ethics’. Oxford University Press. Edited by Sonja Schierbaum, Michael Walschots, and John Walsh. (forthcoming March 2024)
Special Issue
- Guest Editor of Journal of Scottish Philosophy. Vol. 20, Iss. 2, June 2022. ‘New Perspectives on Hutcheson’s Moral Philosophy.’
Journal Articles
‘Incentives of the Mind: Kant and Baumgarten on the Impelling Causes of Desire.’ Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie. (forthcoming)
- ‘The Rationality of Love: Benevolence and Complacence in Kant and Hutcheson.’ Ergo. (forthcoming)
- ‘Kant and the Duty to Act from Duty.’ History of Philosophy Quarterly 39 (1), 2022, pg. 59–75.
- ‘Hutcheson’s Theory of Obligation’. Journal of Scottish Philosophy 20 (2), 2022, pg. 121–142.
- ‘Achtung in Kant and Smith.’ Kant-Studien 133 (2), 2022. pg. 238-268.
Chapters in Edited Volumes
- (with Sonja Schierbaum) ‘Necessitation, Constraint, and Reluctant Action: Obligation in Wolff, Baumgarten, and Kant’. Baumgarten and Kant on the Foundations of Practical Philosophy. Edited by C. D. Fugate and J. Hymers. Oxford University Press (forthcoming)
- ‘Wolff on the Duty to Cognize Good and Evil.’ Christian Wolff’s ‘German Ethics’. Oxford University Press. Edited by Sonja Schierbaum, Michael Walschots, and John Walsh. (forthcoming)
- (with Jens Timmermann) ‘Kant’s Lectures on Ethics’. The Cambridge Kant Lexicon. Edited by Julian Wuerth. Cambridge University Press, 2021, pg. 760-766.
- ‘Crusius on Freedom of the Will.’ Christian August Crusius (1715-1775): Philosophy Between Reason and Revelation. Edited by Frank Grunert and Andree Hahmann. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2021. pg. 189–208.
- ‘Hutcheson and Kant: Moral Sense and Moral Feeling.’ Kant and the Scottish Enlightenment. Edited by E. Robinson and C W. Surprenant. London: Routledge, 2017. pg. 36–54.