wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Erasmuskoordinatorin und
Internationalisierungsbeauftragte des Philosophischen Seminars
E-Mail: apollok[at]uni-mainz.de
Tel.: +49 (0) 6131/39-21601
Philosophicum, 00-508
nach Vereinbarung per E-Mail
Area of Specialization
- Early modern philosophy, esp. Late German Enlightenment
- Moses Mendelssohn (aesthetics, rational anthropology, practical philosophy)
- Female Philosophers in German Enlightenment and Romanticism
- Ernst Cassirer’s and Susanne Langer’s aesthetics and philosophy of culture
Area of Competence
- history of modern philosophy (esp. Enlightenment, Idealism, Kantianism, Neo-Kantianism, Hermeneutics)
- aesthetics, philosophy of art (esp. literature)
- existentialism
- philosophical anthropology
- philosophy of culture
- philosophy of history